Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Don't Take This Drug

Was listening to the second lecture of a series called 'Public Faith in a Postmodern World' this morning (Miroslav Volf).

Three reasons for an idle Christian faith:

1. The character of believers - faith demands so much that they pick and choose (like leaving the broccoli uneaten on the dinner plate but eating the potatoes)

2. Old faith - born in particular circumstances - seems mute when facing new issues (such as the environment and nuclear energy)

3. When one is constrained by systems in which one lives and works - one feels one must obey the logic and rules of the systems rather than the Christian faith one embraces

And the drug reference? Volf suggests that God can be seen as a performance-enhancing drug...being used for improving performance when we need it only, rather than influencing our entire lives for him.

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