Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Some Things I'm Reading/Listening To

Total Truth by Nancy Pearcey - Simply put, it proposes that the truth of Christ deeply affect our public and private lives (hence the title). It gives a history of how Christianity in the west has moved largely into the private sphere of life alone, and how this has shaped western Christianity as a result. Nancy Pearcey is a student of Francis Schaeffer. Definitely worth reading so far and very helpful in thinking through a Christian worldview and responses to culture, science and our work.

Genesis (Iain Provan) - an MP3 lecture series I downloaded from Regent College Vancouver. I've listened to one lecture so far. One thing he proposes is that the Spirit hovering over the waters in Genesis 1:2 implies God's authority over chaos (in contrast to Ancient Near Eastern creation stories).

The Black Echo (Michael Connelly) - every year at Christmas I am given a crime/mystery novel (last year was the Da Vinci Code). This year's one was great! Go Detective Harry Bosch! Can't wait 'til next year.

Effective Youth Ministry (Ken Moser) - I'll be involved in youth ministry next year so am re-reading this. Having experienced four years of youth ministry I think Ken Moser has the right idea. Youth group is about growing Christian disciples.

Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God (Packer) - an oldie but a goodie.

Pastoral Leadership (Rod Wilson) - another MP3 series from Regent (its principal). I thought it was interesting and it is from an experienced Christian leader. He is surprisingly and refreshingly self-deprecating.

Relationship Development Intervention Parents' Objectives - reading this every night together with Cecily to help rehabilitate our middle child who has Autistic Spectrum Disorder.

Future Reads/Listens:

Admin/whatever church or the ministry team is reading
The Soul of Prayer (P T Forsythe)
More Michael Connelly!
Apologetics in a Postmodern World (Alister McGrath MP3 series)
Exclusion and Embrace/Free of Charge (Miroslav Volf)
The online papers and kids books galore!


Here's NOT how to start in a new house in a new town:

a) Don't forget your keys on Christmas day after driving an hour from Sydney to Mittagong with three young children well past their bedtime - requiring the wonderful grace of a nearby neighbour to bring his new Christmas grinder to grind the hinges off your back door at nearly 10pm (many thanks to my neighbour for that!)

b) Don't forget that you haven't fixed that gap under the side gate of your house, allowing your dog to escape and be found by a different neighbour who, with wonderful kindness, thoughtfully walks your dog to the nearest park to see if any Mittagong day tourist has lost their dog, before knocking on your door (and by the way, update your dog's tag and microchip)

Many thanks to my neighbours for their grace to us!

Back On Air

It's been a while - sorry about that. We've just moved to Mittagong, an hour south of Sydney. The picture is from our back window.