Wednesday, February 14, 2007


'I remember your genuine faith, for you share the faith that first filled your grandmother Lois and your mother, Eunice. And I know that same faith continues strong in you.'

2 Timothy 1:5

My wife's grandmother, Mary Rowland, died today at 83. She was the youngest of 9 children. She had a Christian faith that seemed unshakeable. God blessed her life richly. She mothered a family dynasty, with her children and grandchildren all followers of Jesus.

I rang her only this morning. I was speaking to her husband Stan about some health problems with our 3 year old son and some of my own personal anxieties when she entered the conversation on another handset. She reassured me that God was sovereign and in control and I need not fear. I thanked her for her timely reassurance.

It was a privilege to have spoken to her in such a great way on the day she went to be with her Lord and Saviour.


Anton said...

Hey Andrew,
long time no talk. Sorry to hear about Cec's grandmother. She sounds like an inspiring person and a real loss. Please give Cec my condolences.

I don't have your email address; want to drp me a line? Mine is adutoit at tpg dot com dot au

cheers my brother!

Andrew Paterson said...

Admittedly I have been grafted into the family heritage(like the Gentiles in Romans 9-11?), but a great heritage it is!

I totally agree with your comments.

cheers, ap