Monday, February 05, 2007

Latest News in Laundry List Format

  • Our third bub has started taking his first steps (the magic of that never fades, even after three)

  • Now over a month into being an assistant minister

  • Have made a few gaffes already - my boss is patient and kind!

  • Got ordained as a deacon at St Andrews Cathedral Sat Feb 3rd

  • My first baptism is on Sunday - pray I remember the name of the bub (it is an exquisite African name...which I have already forgotten!)

  • Have driven over 2000km already from Sydney to Mittagong and back

  • Was given a car by a member of my church - such incredible generosity!

There's probably more but that's enough for now!


Simon Elliott said...

Good to see you back.
Let me know if you need a hand with the baptism, I've got a service typed out and ready to go. Though the SUnday Services book is good, so is AAPB and BCP is brilliant (I think we are supposed to say that sort of thing now.)
PS Congrats to you to on your ordination Rev.

byron smith said...

Congrats on ordination!
Tell us about your gaffs (if they are publishable). On Sunday I got three or four people into serving communion before realising I was using the words for the wine but was serving the bread (so used to doing the wine at my old church). I'm also losing count of the mistaken/forgotten names (they just don't seem to be sticking at the moment).

Andrew Paterson said...

Thanks for your comments Byron and Rev Simon. Byron, your communion experience was very amusing! One example of things I know I have done:

1. In order to be contextualised to Mittagong, I mentioned in a sermon on Matthew 25 (Parable of Wedding Feast) how some people were indifferent to the king's invitation - that it was like saying 'I'm actually going up to the Shellfish cafe for a burger, you have a great time.' The Shellfish cafe is a local Mittagong haunt, a favourite of people at our 6pm service.

Actually, it was the Swordfish cafe. People were very amused by this gaffe but in an affectionate way, thankfully!

Another time during assisting at communion in my first ever service at Mittagong my son came back from kidschurch in the hall. He was so distressed to see me up the front he screamed his head off (it sounded like he had lost a leg) and didn't stop for half and hour!