Thursday, January 04, 2007

Ministry Begins

Well, began first day of being a full-time Christian minister yesterday. Had a lengthy staff meeting in the morning, followed by lunch together (still talking through ministry things) then back to the meeting. There's certainly a lot to get up to speed on, but I really enjoyed being with the team at last. I feel very green but hopefully over time (not much!) that will dissipate.

In the evening I sat in on the first session of an 'Introducing God' course being run at St Stephens. It was great and it reminded me of why I wanted to become a minister - to see people introduced to God and understand who he is and what he has done for us - sensational!

I'm reading a book 'The Soul of Prayer' by P T Forsyth. It's a small book (only 92 pages) and cost me $AUD4 from Moore Books in Sydney. What a bargain! He has a way of writing that hits your senses. I can 'see and taste' the importance of prayer through his illustrations and language. Haven't finished it yet....will tell you what I learn soon.


Simon Elliott said...

I'm praying that your meetings will be short and your opportunities to introduce people to God will be many.
Unfortunately I think often the attraction to healthy debate with your contemporaries is greater than telling those who have not been introduced about God.
But seeing people saved is so exciting, we need to keep encouraging each other to do the job, we have come to do.
Enjoy it mate.

byron smith said...

Nice to be finally starting! Praying for you as many new relationships start.

michael jensen said...

Please keep us posted on PT Forsyth!